วันเสาร์ที่ 21 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2558

Learning Reflection in English Reading Strategies Course

Learning Reflection in English Reading Strategies Course

A healthy diet

Natural disaster

Today's Technology


West meets East

Ann Landers, Descriptions of Books and Novels

Read faster

ASEAN Economic Community

Extensive reading

They are content that we study in this course.

What did I get from this course?

         Before I learned this course I very read slowly and usually used a dictionary when I don't know a meaning of difficult word from the context and when I can't find the correct main idea.But this course taught me about the way to read faster,how to find the answers, obstacles that I have when I read, new knowledge and vocabularies from text, grammar such as part of speech, writing skill is better than before.

         when I read I will use reading strategies that I leaned form teacher in text such as

- Skimming

- Scanning

- Think of the passage as a whole 

- Don't stop read when don't know meaning of difficult word

         I will use the strategies that I got from this course in reading.I prepare and practice myself by read a lot and sometimes I did the exercise before teacher assigned.

My attitudes for this course

        I tried to to learn everything because I think this course is very importance for me and the student. It can help to understand the matters and use the strategies which got from this course in English reading either.I know sometime I was bored to study ,I'm very sorry to our teacher.I tried to open my mind to learn it every time.I know teacher tried to find the best way to me and friends so I will practice myself by read a lot for the best reader and the best student.You are a good teacher for me.Thank you for everything that you give to me.I love you.

                                       Phetcharat Boonmee. 574102129

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 19 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2558

WEEK 15 16/11/2015

The last lesson was 'Extensive reading'

            The topic was Simply read. It is research on English language reading with a group of English language students in Japan. They had previously failed and disliked studying English.

            Extensive reading is simply reading a lot of English at a fairly easy level. After the experiment, The students considerably improved in English and many enjoyed the class.

            "Extensive READING" can help us to improve reading skills and other skills including Speaking, Listening and Writing skills,Tend to have high TOEFL/TOEIC scores. It is one of the way to learn language.

             Next,We answered the questions in sheet. When i read i think it was not too hard because vocabularies are easy. I can easily understand the text without needing a dictionary because I studied from read faster lesson.

                                       Phetcharat Boonmee. 574102129

WEEK 14 9/11/2015

The ASEAN Community 2015

             Today we started study 'The ASEAN Community 2015'. First, teacher assigned us to write the answers from last week on the board.

             Then teacher assigned us to work in groups about 4-5 person per group. The first topic  was 'The impact of the ASEAN Community'. My group has Nirachara,Ruchira,Mechawee,Thuchanun and me. 

This is our opinion

The impact of the ASEAN Community

- Jobs and opportunities will increase

- ASEAN people can work in any member countries of their choice

- ASEAN citizens will be connected to the world

- Exchange culture, food, languages, products, and etc.

- The developed countries will be crownded because the people will come to find works that countries likes Singapore, The Philippines

- The employer would like employee who can speak English fluently. They will employ the foriegner more than their own country like Thailand and they will effect to people who use English for work such as English teacher, guide, air hostess, and etc.

- Free trade area

          Teacher assigned each group to send someone in your group to present the work that we have done. I presented it by myself.

          The next topic was 'How to prepare yourself for ASEAN Community. The second speaker was Ruchira. 

This is our opinion

How to prepare yourself for ASEAN Community

- You should know about ASEAN information.
- You should practice English skill, speaking, reading, listening as well as possible.
- You have to know a culture and taboo of another country in ASEAN.
- Find a chance to be student exchange for develop of yourself.
- Not only study English language, but also ASEAN country such as Bahaza language and etc.
- You should be a role model for your own country.
- You should respect other opinions, religions and accents.
- Don’t be shy to speak English to foreigner.
- Don’t be scared to make a mistake in English practice.

            After that teacher read text about ASEAN and assigned us to make note about what she read. We shared about the main idea and presented. Nirachara presented it.

This is our opinion

             Liberalization of ASEAN and Thai worker's weeknes ASEAN is coming by 2015. ASEAN Free Trade area makes free movement, duty free, earn better and occupational will come.Thai worker will be force negative situation. Historical background of Thai worker is monolingual and weekness in English. They need to improve English skill, computer using because It has a lot of competitive.Thailand, the country had never been under colonial rules so its education system is mainly monolingual.

            I really like and have fun do it. I liked to work in group and discuss together with friends. Today I improved reading skill, listening skill, speaking skill, and writing skill.

            Then,teacher assigned us to write about 'Research on English language reading'on the board.

            teacher assigned us to read the text as fast as possible and assigned us to do exercise in sheet as homework.

                                       Phetcharat Boonmee. 574102129

WEEK 13 8/11/2015

              We continued the lesson from last week. First,teacher asked us about our homework that she assigned from last week and answered the homework for us.

              The passage was 'Obstacles to faster effective reading'and'Hints for reading practice'. It was very hard for me because  I don't understand meaning the word from passages so I look for word from dictionary.It made me understand meaning all the passage. The 2 passages helped us to improve speed reading skill.

Obstacles to faster effective reading

- Very old people and very young children learn to read in much the same way
- Vocalizing will prevent readers from reading at speeds of more than 280 w.p.m
- They will focus on one word at a time when they pointing to each word
- Some students get discouraged when they first start reading faster, they fail to take in what they have read
- Reading practice material is not interesting and too hard

Hints for speed reading practice

Think of the passage as a whole
- Do not try to take in each word separately
- Skim through a passage first to get the general idea of each paragraph

Pay attention to paragraph structure

- Title and paragraph heading can help you to get the outline of a passage
- the topic sentence of an information-giving paragraph in English is most often at the beginning
- The closing paragraph of a piece of writing often summarizes the essence of the passage

Dictionary slow you down!
- You will not to use a dictionary
- Context is a indicator of meaning
- Make a note and check later if you want to know what all the word mean.

The ASEAN Community 2015

            Teacher assigned us to  write the words on the board about the ASEAN community.

            After that, teacher opened the video about ASEAN in English version for us to do exercise.

           ASEAN stands for Association of South-east Asian nations.One vision, one identity, one community.The names of the member countries :Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, The Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. The ASEAN community is a place where all the ten countries come together to build a better life for everyone. The three doors of the ASEAN Community are as follows: Peace, Prosperity, and People.

                                       Phetcharat Boonmee. 574102129

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 15 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2558

WEEK 12 2/11/2015

           Today, We continued to learn from last week about Ann Landers. First, Teacher told us to write the correct answers homework on the board.We spent for a long time to do this exercise.

           Next,we discuss with partner about our respond of Frustrated letter and break for 15 min. 

           Then,we started the new unit was "Read faster".We discuss with partner about "Hot do you read in English?"

           Then,teacher told us to write about "What is your obstacles to faster reading?" I wrote one.


           Then,we answered the question and tick in the box. We read the text ' Obstacles to faster effective reading 'and chose the answer by skim the passage.

           Teacher assigned us to do exercise all the sheet for next week.

                                       Phetcharat Boonmee. 574102129

วันพุธที่ 4 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2558

WEEK 11 26/10/2015

           This week, we had mid-term test for 1 hour.

           First,Teacher showed some books to us to see she advised us to buy books such as name of book.


The Art of Happiness in a Troubled World

Message in a Bottle


           Then, teacher assigned us to read eight short descriptions of books and novels in sheet.

Eight short descriptions are 

- Diana: Her True Story- Aspects of Britain and the USA - Aung San Suu Kyi : The Voice of Hope - A Life for God : The Mother Teresa Treasury - The Lost World - You Belong to Me - Message in a Bottle - Sacrament 

           Than,We read the questions and answers.

1.Did princess Diana have a happy marriage life?

Ans No,She didn't.

2.What are the four aspects of the UK and USA mentoined in the book Aspects at the Britain and the USA?

Ans People,Geography,History,Institution.

3.Who won the 1991 Novel Peace Prize? For what aspect?

Ans Aung San Suu Kyi for her heroic efforts on behalf ot democracy in Burma.

4.Who is included in the book A Life for GodThe Mother teresa Treasury?

Ans A brief biography and a conversation with Mother Teresa.


             Then we started study about "Ann Landers"

Classic Ann Landers

Editor's Note : Hundreds of Ann Landers' loyal readers have requested that newspapers continue to publish her columns. These letters originally appeared in 1999.

Ann Landers

          We read and matched each letter to Ann Landers with its correct response.

          Finally,teacher assigned us to read each letter and its response again and answer the question for next week.

                                      Phetcharat Boonmee. 574102129

WEEK 10 19/10/2015


         Today,I studied lesson that was "West meet East" from last week. First , We discussed the knowledge last week.Then,we discussed the questions with a partner about food,celebrities and product from Asia countries.

         Next, we completed the sentences with the correct words.The words in this exercise were new knowledge for me.The teacher explained about meaning the word like "discriminate,discrimination,overcome,prominent,support,prejudiced,inspire and integrate"

         After that, we wrote our own sentences on the board about using like and such as.

For example

I would like to visit place with beautiful building like England.



I would like the most attractive celebrities like Araya and Weir.

           Then,we read the passage was 'Expat in Asia'. It was about interview with an American English professor teaching in Taiwan. The teacher assigned us to talk with our partner to think the questions to ask the foreigner that we want to know such as
        - How long have you been in Thailand?
        - Where are you form?
        - Why do you like Thailand?
        - What season do you like in Thailand?


                                       Phetcharat Boonmee. 574102129