วันพุธที่ 6 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2559

Learning Reflection in A Discourse Approach in Reading course

What did I lean?

               In a recount we reconstruct past experience.A recount is the unfolding of a sequence of even over time. The purpose is to tell what happened. There are 3 types of recount that are Personal Recount, Factual Recount, and Imaginative Recount. In a recount we use simple past tense to tell a sequence of events, it begins with an orientation, events, and reorientation.

               Narratives are to entertain, i.e. to gain and hold the reader's interest in a story, to nourish and extend the reader's imagination.There are many types of Narrative likes fairy stories,mysteries,science fiction,choose-your-own-adventures,romances,horror stories,adventures stories,parable,fables and moral tales,myths and legends,historical narratives.

escriptive text is a text which says what a person'a thing or a place is like.It is to describe and to reveal a particular person, animal, place, or thing. This lesson helps us visualize and understand a topic.

               Procedure or instruction (How something is done)Tell us how something is accomplished through a sequence of actions or steps. 
The purpose is to tell the reader how to do or make something. The information is presented in a logical sequence.These texts are usually written in the present tense.

Types of procedural Texts

- How to use instruction/operation manuals.

- How to do a particular activity.

- Deal with human behavior.

Text organisation

Goal :(often indicated in the main heading and/ or diagram)

Materials : (listed in order of use) 

Method : (steps oriented towards achieving the goal)

               A comparison-contrast pattern presents similarities(comparisons)
between two or more things, differences(contrasts) between two or more things, or both similarities and differences.

                Cause/Effect is used to show how the facts or concepts result due to other facts, events or concepts.Words that signal this type of text structure are because, since,therefore, if...then, as a result of, thus, and hence.

Define = to say what the ​meaning of something.

Classify = to ​divide things into ​groups ​according to ​their ​type

              Exemplification writing uses specific, vivid examples for the purpose of adding more information to explain, persuade, define, or illustrate a general idea. Likewise, exemplification provides solid support and strong evidence to prove the writer's main statement. Appropriate examples also create interest in a writing assignment.

             Problem and Solution is a pattern of organization where information in a passage is expressed as a dilemma or concerning issue (a problem) and something that was, can be, or should be done to remedy this issue (solution or and attempted solution). The problem and solution text is frequently confused with the cause and effect pattern of organization, as cause and effect passages do not propose solutions but rather just explain why or how they happen.

My attitudes for this course

               In my opinion, this course is hard. We have to read more and more to find the correct answers.For me,I think Procedure lesson is easiest more than other because I like to cook so I usually read the recipe to cook food.And I think Cause and Effect and Problem and Solution header than other.I have to read more and tried to understand.I have to analyze the text.I discussed with my friends for a good answers, good main idea, and good title. When I find the discourse markers,it make me understand more ,it was easy for me to find the discourse markers.I tried to understand, to listen to teacher when she explained.When I answered wrong I will discuss with my friends that why I answered like this and why you answered like this.I think discourse markers can help me to understand the more and when I see discourse markers I will highlight it for protect myself confused.

                This course is hard but teacher help me by paid the way to learning,to understand the lesson,to find the answers,to find topic,to find,to find discourse markers and other.I would like to say Thank you very much to you.I read more and have many strategies to learn because of you.All the time that I study with you it's a great time.You are a good teacher and I love you.

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A Discourse Approach in Reading Week 16

Problem and Solution continued

             This week was the last day that I studied with teacher Usa Noytim.

             First, she let us know about the test score last week. I got 6 points. I’m OK for that.

             Then, we began to do Exercise 1: Read each passage, write the title, and the sentence explaining the main idea of the passage. Then created a problem and solution graphic organizer.For example about exercise 1.

      "The term “machine gun” is commonly applied to any gun that is designed to fire repeatedly and in rapid succession for as long as the trigger is held down. During the course of warfare, the trigger of some machine guns may be held down almost continuously for hours to create suppressant fire (rounds fired not necessarily to kill an enemy, but to prevent them from attacking). All of this firing can generate a lot of heat, which may cause the weapon to overheat and malfunction. But this situation has been addressed in a number of ways. For one, practically all machine guns fire from an open bolt, which allows air to cool the breach between bursts of fire. Additionally, some machine guns have removable barrels, which allow hot barrels to be replaced.And some advanced machine guns even have sophisticated barrel cooling systems, which maintain a functional heat level within the weapon. As you might have concluded, a lot of brain power has gone into keeping those guns firing."

            After, we did Exercise 2 and answered the questions by choosing the best answer and writing the correct answer.

            After time out, the teacher advise us the way for a good teacher and told us to improve and practice yourself. She told her experiences how to improve herself.


What are your attitudes with this the lesson?
            In my opinion “Problem and Solution” is similar to “Cause and Effect”. It isn’t easy for me, sometime I confused between detail and problem. I have to tried, paid attention in class, and read more for a good reader.


Phetcharat Boonmee 574102129

วันศุกร์ที่ 1 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2559

A Discourse Approach in Reading Week 15

Problem and Solution

           Today we studied last lesson that was “Problem and Solution”. First, teacher explained about what Problem and Solution is.

           Problem and Solution is a pattern of organization where information in a passage is expressed as a dilemma or concerning issue (a problem) and something that was, can be, or should be done to remedy this issue (solution or and attempted solution). The problem and solution text is frequently confused with the cause and effect pattern of organization, as cause and effect passages do not propose solutions but rather just explain why or how they happen.

           We started to read an example that is about teen pregnancies.

Source: http://www.ereadingworksheets.com/text-structure/patterns-of-organization/problem-and-solution/

                Next, teacher read a list of problem-solution markers and we repeated after her.

            Then, we did the Skill practice: In the following texts, circling the Problem Markers and highlighting the Solution Markers.

As more and more women take job outside the home the lack of high quality,affordable child cars not only puts working parents in a dilemma but creates a challenge for organizations who wish to hire the best-qulified workers.Some employers have address the problem by establishing their own child-cars centers.

              We had a break around 10 minutes. After a break we did test, that was hard for me. I hope I will past this test.

What are your attitudes towards the lesson?               In my opinion this lesson is very hard for me because Problem and Solution is similar to Cause and Effect. I can find the discourse markers is easy for me.But I had a problem from this exercise because I didn't understand clearly so I tried to listen to teacher when she explained. I tried to do exercise by myself because it harder I have to practice more.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 26 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2559

A Discourse Approach in Reading Week 14

         Today we studied "Exemplification" continue last week.First,we read the first page about what exemplification is. 

         Exemplification writing uses specific, vivid examples for the purpose of adding more information to explain, persuade, define, or illustrate a general idea. Likewise, exemplification provides solid support and strong evidence to prove the writer's main statement. Appropriate examples also create interest in a writing assignment.

          Then, we read and match the place with the activities in the text 2, that was 'Fun things to do in Great Falls'.

          After, we found the main idea of the text that was 'There are many ways to have fun in Great Falls without spending a Fortune'. We highlighted the places in the text and highlighted discourse markers. And then we did exercise by matching the place with the activities.

          Next, we read and answers the question about text 3.The text was about the examples of hazards in the home that jeopardize a child's safety and how to eliminate them.

Hazards in the home and how to eliminate them.

Hazards in the home that jeopardize a child's safety can be easily eliminated.

Eliminating all hazards may save a child from serious injury or death.

              We answered the questions correctly about the text.

              Then, we read text 4 that was 'What is Language'. And then we did Directions I: Read the text and circled all the expressions which have the same meaning as for example, drew a line under all the examples. And then we did Directions II: Completed the sentences using: illustration, for example, a case in point, an example, for instance, and such as.

              After that, teacher lets us to know 'Problem and Solution' and gave an example for us on white board.

                 Then, teacher explained the difference between 'Cause and Effect' and 'Problem and Solution' and assigned us to work in group to think the problem and solution and presented in front of the classroom. In my group have 3 people were Kittiporn, Nirachara, and I.

                 The problems and solutions topic of my group was “Car accident”

What are your attitudes with this the lesson?

               In my opinion, exemplification is very important and this lesson was easy I can find discourse markers and answer the questions. But finding main idea and what the text about was difficult. If I find main idea I will discussed with my friends until the main idea was correct.

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