วันอังคารที่ 26 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2559

A Discourse Approach in Reading Week 4

       "Narratives continued"

             Today,we read the text about the second part of the story that name 'Secrets' by Tim Winton continued last week.

Tim Winton

A summary of the story.

           Kylie felt excluded from the world mother and Philip. She becomes interested in the chickens in the yard. Somehow her secret helps her to feel less lonely. She finds a second egg and then finds out where others are being laid by an unhealthy-looking hen. She was happy sharing the secret with hen. Philip tells her that not to open the lid of the bore well but she does.She chase the hen and the chicks.She looks on her photo album, misses her father and wants to live with him.

exercise CA summary of the second part of the story.

- Kylie watched the hen sitting on ten eggs
- She takes the lid off the well
- She starts to go down the well with her photo album every day
- She watches Philip and her mother and wonder why her father is not with them
- Philip discovers her in the well and hits her
- Kylie throws the chicks down the well
- Kylie hits the hen and throws it down the well
- She chooses one special photo which makes her feel good
- Kylie cuts off her head from the special photo and throws it away

           Teacher asked us 'What do you think about why Kylie chased the hen and the chicks and why she cut off her head from the special photo'.

Why did Kylie chase the hen and the chicks?

           I think she felt so unloved by her mother,She wanted the love from her mother.Her happiness was destroyed, she wanted the hen and the chicks to feel same that she felt.

Why did Kylie cut off her head from the special photo?

           I think she realizes that the photo isn't reality and she doesn't have a secret anymore.She is expressing her pain and hurt.She think it was not help her to feel better anymore because everything has gone

Exercise D : we chose one of the verbs to make some sentences about 3 people in this story

1.I feel sorry for Kylie because she feel hurt and was neglect from her mother and Philip.
2.I dislike Kylie's mother because she doesn't take care her daughter.
3.I dislike Philip because he hits and abuses Kylie.

           Then,we did exercise E : What do you feel about the story? and choose the three which you think are most important of the themes in this short story.
           I feel very sorry to Kylie more than everyone because she was neglect by her mother. She felt lonely and has problem associated with contemporary family life.

The three themes that I chose are
- Neglect
- Loneliness
- Problems associated with contemporary family life.

Discussing the story's symbol
1.The eggs- Kylie's secret, hope and power

2.The well- The special place of Kylie

3.The photos- Her memories and misses her father

4.Kylie's cutting of the photo- part of her secret has gone and she has given up

Do you feel that they suggest something about Kylie herself?

           I will tell Kylie, "Kylie,I know you want love from her mother but before you want that you have to love yourself.You are lucky more than the children who don't have parents. You should think someone have problem more than you if you think like that you will feel better.You should do some activities that you like that make you happy. I want to see your smile.Don't worry for every thing."

What are your attitudes with this the lesson?

         I can't understand all the story because some vocabularies are hard so it's made some sentence is not clear.I searched in Google to find more information and ask my friends,it's made me can answer the question that ask about my opinion.I think this story tell me about problems associated with contemporary family life and neglect.This story tell me know about what should we solve this problem?, How can we help Kylie?, Why is Kylie behaving like this?This is the problems of society that we have to solve.

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A Discourse Approach in Reading Week 3


            Today,we learn about the Narrative.First,we read about what is the Narrative? It's the thing that had to nourish and extend the reader's imagination.


            The basic purpose of Narrative is to entertain,i.e.to gain and hold the reader's interest in a story.


            There are many types of Narrative likes fairy stories,mysteries,science fiction,choose-your-own-adventures,romances,horror stories,adventures stories,parable,fables and moral tales,myths and legends,historical narratives.

            Then,we put a cross on line in the circle. The scale goes from 0(not at all) - 6(very much).

This is sentences are from the Secrets by Tim Winton 

-I was sensitive to smells.
-I felt close to my mother.
-I was often left alone.
-I felt excluded from the world of adults.
-I like having secrets.
-I was always curious to know things.
-I did as I was told.
-I liked being by myself in special places of my own.
-I felt close to my father.
-My parents and I did lots of things together.
-I noticed small details of people appearance.
-I often did things that now seem to me to be cruel.

            Then, we read the secrets story part one by Tim Winton. 

           Paragraph 1 is an orientation.Teacher assign us to found who, what, when, where and summarize.

Who : Kylie
What : Found an egg in the yard and kept it as a secret
When : -
Where : T
he yard at the back of the new house

A summary of paragraph 1

            She just move to the new house with her mother and Philip but she want to live with her father.She found an egg in the yard and kept as a secret.

            Then we read the story in part one and did exercise B to complete this summary of the first part of the story by adding three fairly short sentences. 

A summary of the first part of the story in page 55

            Kylie feels left out from her mother and Philip's activities. She becomes interested in the chickens in the yard. Somehow her secret helps her to feel less lonely. She finds a second egg and then finds out where others are being laid by an unhealthy-looking hen

-She was happy with out her mother and Philip and sharing the secret with hen.
-Philip tells her that not to open the lid of the bore well but she does.
-She looks on her photo album and misses her father.

Teacher assigned us to answer the question in our blogger.

1.Why did Kylie feel lonely? : Because she felt left out from her mother and Philip's activities.

2.Why did she keep the eggs as her secret?
 : Because it can help her to feel less lonely.

3.Why didn't she live with her father?
 : The story doesn't has the reason that why she didn't live with her father maybe because her father had gone or divorced with her mother.

4.What did she do in the bore well in the back yard?
 : She tried to open the lid of the bore well in the back yard

5.Why did Kylie always look at the photos?
 : Because she missed her father and wanted to live with him.

6.Why wasn't her father in the photos?
 :Because her father had been the photographer in the family.

What are your attitudes with this the lesson?

            I'm interested this story.I think narrative lesson helps me read more because there are typically imaginary,it make me want to follow the story although some vocabularies were hard and the story was long but teacher helped us to translate the story so make me understand the story more.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 18 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2559

A Discourse Approach in Reading Week 2

"Recount continued"

             First,we discuss about lesson was 'Recount' from last week. It made me understood the text better.I can know,what is orientation,what is event,what is reorientation.I highlighted the action verbs/past tense, linking words to do with time and specific participants.                

             Last week I few understand but now it better than last week.

             Than,We read exercises 2 that was'My Grandpa's Funeral in Toraja' and answered the question that teacher assigned from last week.

A series of events 'My Grandpa's Funeral in Toraja'

- Gathered together with relatives in the ceremony- Grandpa's body was dressed in a fine wearing and kept in the tongkonan- Slaughtered the pigs and buffaloes- Moved the corpse to face north- The corpse was placed in a sandal wood coffin- Brought it out of the house and placed on an open platform beneath the granary
- prepared the lakian and held it in this place- The grandpa's coffin wad lowered from the funeral tower and brought up to the mountain side family graveyard
- Installed the wooden puppet on a high balcony

              Next, we read exercise 3 that was 'An Excursion to the Botanic Garden' I find what are orientation,events and reorientation.Than,I highlighted the action verbs/past tense, linking words to do with time and specific participants from the text. Next,I chose the correct answer and answered the questions.It's easy because I did it before.

              Than,teacher assigned write vocabularies about police report on the board. It was difficult for me, I know little words.

              Than,teacher gave a new sheet for us. It was news report about five Vietnamese nationals were arrested for stealing cash. 

Five Vietnamese nationals were arrested for stealing cash from crowded shops in popular tourist areas in Chiang Mai’s Muang district, provincial police chief Pol Maj-General Montri Sambunnanont said yesterday.
The gang - comprised of four men aged 18-44 and a 23-year-old woman - were presented to the press along with Bt3,530 remaining cash and nine cell phones. They had allegedly carried out similar crimes in Chaing Mai province twice before, police said.

Montri said the gang stole about Bt2,000 cash from a bag shop in the Chaing Mai Night Bazaar area and another Bt2,000 from a pillow case shop in Tha Phae Gate on December 31. Hunting for suspects according to damaged persons' descriptions, police spotted these suspects at the Pratu Chaing Mai area and stopped them for a check but they ran.

Police captured one 44-year-old suspect and with the information provided, arrested another four people at a hotel, Montri said. Police is now keeping an eye out for another Vietnamese accomplice.


          So teacher assigned me to answer 'What do you think about this incident?' in Webblog.

What do you think about this incident?

          Now ASEAN is opened already.The member of ASEAN can come to our country easily for work or travel.I think this bad news that show crime become with the foreigners but also Thai people.So everyone should be careful and protect yourself all the time.

          Than,we read last text that was 'Investigation report',and answer the questions.The text was about the couple was stopped by the policeman because they were exceeding the speed limit on the Dumbarton highway in a truck but finally, they escaped.But we didn't have enough time to do this exercise, teacher assigned it to be our homework.

What are your attitudes with this the lesson?

          In my opinion this lesson is very hard for me.I have to highlighted an orientation that are what,who,when,where it make me can answered questions.But I had a problem with my vocabularies I have to remember vocabularies more and more.I tried and tried to did it and I can understand that after I studies.

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A Discourse Approach in Reading Week 1


           Today was the first day of studying in this course 'A Discourse Approach in Reading'.

           Before studied, teacher had told us about manners in the class. This is 6 rules that teacher told us again in this semester.

            The first lesson was 'Recount' the text that retells a story about past events or experiences in the order they happened. 

Purpose : to tell what happened.

Types : 1.Personal Recount ( e.g. diary entry)         2.Factual recount (e.g. news report)         3.Imaginative Recount (e.g.a day in life of Roman slave; how I invented...)

Text organization
               The recount generally begins with an orientation giving the reader/listener the background information needed to understand the text (i. e. who, where, when, what)Then the Recount unfolds with a series of events ordered in a chronological sequence. At various stages there may be some personal comment on the incident.

            Then, teacher assigned us to do the exercise in order to understand about recount by completing the text and finding the language features of this text.

             Then, we studied "My Grandpa's Funeral in Toraja" it is about the funeral in Toraja, Indonesia. I also knew that the funeral is performed in two phases. First, they slaughter the pigs and buffaloes, and then move the corpse to face north. After that, the corpse is placed in a sandal wood coffin. Then, it is brought out of the house and placed on an open platform beneath the granary. The next phase of the ceremony is held in this place. The coffin is borne from the house and placed in the lakian. During the day, there are also buffaloes matches. In the night, we are feasting, chanting, and dancing.

             Then,the teacher assigned us to find the information about the funeral in Thailand in order to compare with Indonesia.

Thailand's Funeral
             In Thailand, we believe that by cremation we are sending the body up to Heaven. After death, the body is returned home, where it remains on display for either three or seven days. There will be monks in attendance, chanting in Pali (the language of the Lord Buddha). The family provides food for the villagers (usually with the neighbors’ help). Close family members pour water from silver cups over the deceased. Important people may be embalmed, and put on display for longer periods, some indefinitely.
             When the cremation time approaches, the body is placed on a cart, in a white thin wooden coffin with gold filigree. The coffin is surrounded by a thin wood-and-paper mock-up of a Thai temple, brightly colored. Many flowers are placed on the cart, and a large picture of the deceased is prominently displayed. Using a long, thick rope, and led by a group of monks, friends and family pull the cart to the cremation ground. Everyone at the funeral wears black, or black and white.
             At the cremation ground, the coffin is placed on the stone platform. The spectators are offered soft drinks and light refreshments. Following a final incantation from the monks, the coffin and mock-up temple are set on fire. This is often done in quite a spectacular way. The coffin is first drenched in gasoline. A thin wire runs from the viewing area to the coffin.


What are your attitudes towards the lesson?

             In my opinion, the recount is difficult because I feel confused about Language Feature and Text Organization but the purpose of recount is easy for me because its purpose is to tell what happened.I have to try to pay attention in the classroom and note the things that I got from the classroom on my sheet and web blog.

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