วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 17 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2559

A Discourse Approach in Reading Week 9

Comparison and Contrast continued

           First of all activities, teacher assigned us to make diagram and wrote the main idea on the board about the text of Subway systems of New York and Paris.

Similarities : often crowded the terrible noise in the train cover a wide area at little expense from commuters

Differences :

                New York            Paris

Main idea : New York and Paris subway systems have both similarities and differences or there are similarities and differences between New York and Paris subway systems.

           Then, we read the text was Hurricane Andrew and Hurricane Katrina. When we had finished reading, teacher gave us to write on the board about the similarities and differences of them and find the main idea.

Main idea : The similarities and differences between Hurricane Andrew and Hurricane Katrin.

            Then, we started reading in the last text that was Men and Women: Do They speak the Same Language? .That Deborah Tannen write You just Don't Understand, this book discusses the many difficulties men and women have in communicating with each other and helps men and women to communicate better.

            When we had read the text already, we answered the questions in order to check the comprehension.

            And finally, she assigned us to answer the questions in blogger.

1. Do you agree with Tannen's views on the subject? Be specific about your points of disagreement.        In my opinion, I agree with Tannen's views. Men and women have difficulties in communication because they are raised differently. They also have different opinion lead to anger and hurt feeling, and the ways to handle conflict differently. According to Tannen, while nen use language to show independence, status, and power but women use language to establish connection and intimacy.

2. Are any of Tannen's points about the different personalities of men and women true in your native culture? Explain. Do men and women in your native culture use the language the way Tannen claims American men and women do? Give specific examples.

         Absolutest that Thai men and women have differences of their communication.You can see that the couples have their frequent arguments because they are brought up to handle conflict differently.Most of Thai women ,she often uses the silent to tell men when she is not satisfied with something that men do and think the men will know how she feel. She tries to avoid open argument but men don't understand. It makes her to be angry and sad that she think the men don't care her anymore.

What are your attitudes towards the lesson?

          I think that this lesson is important in reading. I can compare each of things and know that what is better. The discourse markers can help me to find the similarities and differences, it make the text easy more. But I think that finding the main idea is difficult. So I tried to read and understand the text. I also discussed with my friends and I have to read more in order to understand.

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