วันเสาร์ที่ 26 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2559

A Discourse Approach in Reading Week 14

         Today we studied "Exemplification" continue last week.First,we read the first page about what exemplification is. 

         Exemplification writing uses specific, vivid examples for the purpose of adding more information to explain, persuade, define, or illustrate a general idea. Likewise, exemplification provides solid support and strong evidence to prove the writer's main statement. Appropriate examples also create interest in a writing assignment.

          Then, we read and match the place with the activities in the text 2, that was 'Fun things to do in Great Falls'.

          After, we found the main idea of the text that was 'There are many ways to have fun in Great Falls without spending a Fortune'. We highlighted the places in the text and highlighted discourse markers. And then we did exercise by matching the place with the activities.

          Next, we read and answers the question about text 3.The text was about the examples of hazards in the home that jeopardize a child's safety and how to eliminate them.

Hazards in the home and how to eliminate them.

Hazards in the home that jeopardize a child's safety can be easily eliminated.

Eliminating all hazards may save a child from serious injury or death.

              We answered the questions correctly about the text.

              Then, we read text 4 that was 'What is Language'. And then we did Directions I: Read the text and circled all the expressions which have the same meaning as for example, drew a line under all the examples. And then we did Directions II: Completed the sentences using: illustration, for example, a case in point, an example, for instance, and such as.

              After that, teacher lets us to know 'Problem and Solution' and gave an example for us on white board.

                 Then, teacher explained the difference between 'Cause and Effect' and 'Problem and Solution' and assigned us to work in group to think the problem and solution and presented in front of the classroom. In my group have 3 people were Kittiporn, Nirachara, and I.

                 The problems and solutions topic of my group was “Car accident”

What are your attitudes with this the lesson?

               In my opinion, exemplification is very important and this lesson was easy I can find discourse markers and answer the questions. But finding main idea and what the text about was difficult. If I find main idea I will discussed with my friends until the main idea was correct.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2559

A Discourse Approach in Reading Week 13

             Today we continued to study “Definition and Classification”. First of all, we read the text about what is Anthropology. Then,teacher assigned to complete the diagram on the whiteboard.

              We found discourse markers, terms, definition and classification in text and highlight.

What is the main idea of the text?
              The main idea is Anthropology, the study of man, is divided to two types which are Physical Anthropology and Culture Anthropology.

             Then, we read text 2 about species of whales. We highlight the discourse markers in the text and completed the diagram on the whiteboard.


What are the topic and main idea of the text?

            Then, we answered questions that which statement is true (T) or false (F).

            After that, teacher gave new sheets for us that was Exemplification and read the text 1 that was “College students' Pressures”.
            Then, we highlighted the exemplification markers and completed the diagram.

What are your attitudes towards the lesson?

            For me, if I highlighted the terms, discourse markers, and definition and classification I wasn’t confused. But some sentences I was confused if vocabulary were too hard. Today I can answers the question because the text was not too long and hard, it was easy for me.

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A Discourse Approach in Reading Week 12

Definition and Classification

          First of all, teacher reviewed the lesson 'Cause and Effect' about “The Effect of Stress”.

          Main Idea each paragraph in “The Effect of Stress” text.

Source: http://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/elc/studyzone/490/reading/stess3-reading.htm

          Than,we started to study new lesson that was "Definition and Classification"

          Teacher explained the examples and showed some common definition and classification markers

    "Definition and Classification"

        In textbooks, you are sure to meet unfamiliar technical words and their definition. You will also find that writers use classification to divide general concepts into a number of different types. Identifying and understanding texts that contain definition and classification will help your academic reading.

          These strategies will help us categorize and understand texts that contain technical terms, definition, and classification.

             Then,we did Skill Practice 1,follow the sentences,circle the Definition Markers, highlight the technical terms, and underline the definitions.

             Before we had a break, teacher told us about midterm score. I got 14.5 point.

             After break, we did Skill Practice 2,following paragraphs, circle the Classification Markers. Then draw a diagram showing the classification.

             Then we did Skill Practice 3.
Reread paragraph 2-5 in Skill Practice 2 and highlight the definitions of the following terms.

What are your attitudes with this the lesson?

            Some sentences were hard for me so I have to find the discourse markers before. I will understand clearly. I think this lesson is important in reading because when we read text, we will see the technical terms. We can guess the meaning by noticing the discourse markers without opening dictionary. So noticing the discourse markers were importance.

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